【同义词辨析】 2017-08-15 伤害injure-mar

injure: implies the inflicting of anything detrimental to one's looks, comfort, health, or success: an accident that ~d him physically and emotionally.   detrimental有害implies something obviously, but not necessarily extremely, harmful to the thing it affects指某物明显有害,但不一定十分严重,如the detrimental effects of prolonged fasting长期禁食的明显害处

harm: often stresses the inflicting of pain, suffering, or loss: be careful not to ~ the animals.    suffer受苦受难受折磨

hurt: implies the inflicting of a wound to the body or to the feelings: ~ by her callous remarks.

damage: suggests the inflicting of an injury that lowers value or impairs usefulness: a table that was ~d in shipping.     damage用injury和impair解释,表示导致价值或作用降低,可见injure和impair是更基础的词

impair: suggests a making less complete or efficient by deterioration or dimimution: years of somking had ~ed his health.   deteriorate和impair互相解释,都表示逐渐损害   diminution减少降低缩小=reduction

mar: applies to disfiguration or maiming that spoils perfection or well-being: the text is ~red by numerous typos.    如a number of problems marred the smooth running of this event许多问题影响了这件事的顺利进行

injure伤害: 泛指任何损害,harm伤害: 常指苦痛损失,hurt伤害: 指造成身心创伤,damage损坏: 表示降低价值作用,impair损害: 表示逐渐损害,使不再完善有效,mar破坏损毁: 指损坏肢体外观,最严重

记忆方法:1) 首字母IHHDIM重组成HI Da HI Ma嗨打嗨骂<==伤害    严重程度mar>harm>hurt>damage>injure>impair

          2) 练习一下
          3) 伤害的意思是使不再完好健全mean to affect someone or something so as to rob it of soundness or strength or to reduce its value, usefulness, or effectiveness.首字母IHHDIM重组成HI Da HI Ma嗨打嗨骂<==伤害